Rebuild Database Microsoft Office 2008 Mac

Summary:  This blog guides you on how you can stop crashes in Outlook 2016 and rebuild Outlook 2016 Mac Identity.  In addition to manual methods, it also briefs you about one of the best third-party repair solutions. Read on to know more.Thanks to Office 2016 for Mac, now you can do several tasks with ease from anywhere, anytime. Because of these changes, the ability to manually start a database rebuild is not available in Outlook for Mac for Office 365. This will help reduce time spent on rebuilding the database for issues that truly are not caused by database problems, thus a database rebuild is not necessary. Oct 01, 2012  I am running a Mac with Microsoft Office 2008. I have a database problem with Entourage and need to reinstall this program. Since my computer came with the software pre installed, I do not have original discs. Can anyone help how I can reinstall this? Online Help wants me to purchase Office 2011. Many thanks for you assistance.

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Self Help
NOTE: These products are not supported by the Help Desk. This document is provided for self help purposes only. Please contact the manufacturer or system developer for help.

This document explains how to reset and back up Office 2008

  1. Ensure all Office applications are closed.
  2. Navigate to ~User/Library/Preferences folder and drag all the files to desktop that starts with (xxx=name of Office app)

  3. Additionally delete/Move following files:
    • Application/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/OfficePID.plist
    • ~ User/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008/Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist
  4. The user will be prompted to re-enter the product key the next time Word is used.
  5. If user is having problem with font then delete 'Office Font Cache (12)', located in the same folder as Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist.
  6. Office is now successfully reset.
  7. If all is well, trash the old file otherwise, quit all Office apps again, trash the new files and drag the original files back to where they belong.
Additional information on troubleshooting Microsoft Office fonts can be found here.Mac


How to enable automatic save in Microsoft Office 2008?

  1. Open Microsoft Word (or any other Office App).
  2. Hold Command and Comma key.
  3. System Preferences window would open.

  4. In System Preferences > Save > enable 'Always create a backup copy' and 'Save AutoRecover info every 2 Min'.

Template Backups


When newly blank document crashes, it is possible the problem persists in normal.dotm. Try renaming the existing normal.dotm to oldnormal.dotm and reopen word to recreate a new normal.dotm.

The location for normal.dotm are as follows:
  • Office 2008: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/Normal.dotm
  • Word 2004: ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Normal
  • Word X, Word 2001, Word 98: /Applications/Microsoft Office ***/Templates/Normal (where *** stands for your version of Office)

If by chance the normal.dotm location is changed, the normal.dotm can be located by opening Microsoft Office Word>Preferences>File Locations> dialog to confirm its location.

If the old normal.dotm is corrupt and there are customizations in old Normal that you don't want to lose – such as macros, AutoText, custom toolbars, and styles – you can transfer them from OldNormal to your new Normal using Organizer.

Restore customization from old Normal to new Normal

  1. Open Word
  2. Use File>Open to navigate to the template location noted above.
  3. Change the Show drop-down list to Word Templates.

  4. Choose Normal or Normal.dotm and click Open.

  5. Title Bar at the top of the Word window must show 'Normal' otherwise, repeat from step 1.

  6. Click on Tools>Templates and Add-ins dialog, click the Organizer button.

  7. Just below the left window, Organizer should be showing Styles available In: Normal (global template) Otherwise you've got the wrong one open. Start again from step 1.

  8. The right window of the Organizer should be blank. There is a Close File button below the left-hand window, and a Close File button below the right-hand window. Click the button on the right.

  9. You should now be able to see your old Normal Template in the directory; if you cannot, search until you find it. Choose it, and Open it.

  10. At the top of the Organizer dialog, above both windows, there is a row of tabs, one for each kind of resource the Organizer can copy. Click the tab for the kind of item you want to bring back. Let’s assume you want to bring your styles back: Click the Styles tab.

  11. Organizer now shows you a list of the items available within each kind (if you clicked the Styles tab in the previous step, you see a list of the styles in each template). The left window lists the items in your new template, the right window lists the items in the old template. In the right-hand window, choose the item(s) you want to restore. You can select more than one.

  12. Click copy
  13. Repeat for each additional kind of resource you wish to copy.
  14. Click Close File under both windows.
  15. Hold down your Shift key and choose Save All from the File menu. Save All does not appear unless you hold down your shift key.
  16. Quit Word and restart it (to force it to update its preferences).
  17. All the settings should be transfered.

Keywords:Microsoft Office 2008, Reset, MacSuggest keywordsDoc ID:10168
Owner:Jeff W.Group:DoIT Help Desk
Created:2009-05-31 19:00 CDTUpdated:2019-08-21 13:20 CDT
Sites:DoIT Help Desk
Feedback:1012CommentSuggest a new document

Summary: Entourage Database may show unexpected behavior under some circumstances thus requiring database repair. You may use the inbuilt Entourage Repair Utility to rebuild Entourage database.

Entourage is an email client and personal information manager from Microsoft that offers extensive support for Exchange Server 2007 SP1, rollup 4, or higher. The Entourage identity database is a component of an information store that stores user mailbox data such as messages, tasks, notes, and appointments in various User Folders. With time, as data keeps on getting saved or deleted from the user mailbox, random waste spaces are created within the information store. Such wasted spaces can lead to inconsistencies within the database which ultimately add up to the database integrity threats.

An inconsistent database often shows unexpected behaviour such as crashing, freezing, barring access to mail folders, etc. If you face any such issue with your Entourage database, you can rebuilt it using the inbuilt Entourage Repair utility. Follow the steps below —

Step 1: Quit all Entourage related processes

  1. On your Mac, press the Command + Option + Esc keys together to launch Activity Monitor. You may also use Spotlight or Alfred to launch Activity Monitor.
  2. In the list of applications running, select all Entourage processes one by one and click on ‘Force Quit’ for each
  3. Close the Activity Monitor

Step 2: Verify that you have enough Disk Space for the rebuild

To successfully Rebuild Entourage database, you should have thrice the amount of disk space of your database identity folder free on the hard disk. To find out how much of disk space is free, do the following:

  1. Open Entourage Identity Folder through Finder
  2. Go to ‘File’ -> ‘Get Info’ -> ‘Get Information’

Supposing your identity folder’s size is 500 MB, you should have at least 1.5 GB of free hard disk space to proceed.

Step 3: Take a complete backup

Backup your current database identity folder using the following steps:

  1. In Finder, go to ‘Go’ -> ‘Home’ -> ‘Documents’ -> ‘Microsoft User Data Folder’
  2. Double-click on ‘Office <version> Identities’ folder
  3. Right-click on the identity folder and select ‘Duplicate’
  4. When the duplication is done, close all windows

Step 4: Rebuild Database

Note: The below mentioned steps are applicable to Entourage 2008 / 2004.

Follow these steps to use Entourage database rebuild utility:

  1. Ensure all Entourage applications are closed. To be on a safer side, close all other applications too
  2. Re-launch Entourage with the Option key pressed. Keep holding the key down until the ‘Database Utility’ window appears
  3. In the window, select the database’s Main Identity
  4. Click ‘Rebuild Database’ and then click on ‘Continue’
  5. The rebuild process may take some time depending upon the database identity size. You will be able to see the progress of the rebuild in the window. When the process completes, you should see the message ‘Your database was successfully rebuilt’
  6. Click on ‘Close’ and then click on ‘Quit’

Restart Entourage to verify that the problem has been fixed. If it still exists, it might mean your Entourage database has multiple identities one of which is damaged. In this case, you’ll need to create a new identity to fix the issue. Here’s how —

Creating New Entourage Identity

Rebuild Database Microsoft Office 2008 Mac For Sale

Follow the steps below:

  1. Launch Activity Monitor and quit all Entourage and MS Office applications (including reminders)
  2. Search for Entourage identity folder using the below-mentioned command and copy it to the desktop:

Microsoft Office Database 2010

HD/Users/USER_NAME/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office <version> Identities/IDENTITY_NAME

Rebuild Database Microsoft Office 2008 Mac Product Key

  1. Launch Entourage and go to ‘Menu’ -> ‘Switch Identity’
  2. Click on ‘New’ and give the new identity a name in the ‘Identity Name’ box
  3. Quit Entourage
  4. Again search for the Entourage identity folder using the following command and rename it to the new name you specified:

HD/Users/USER_NAME/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office <version> Identities/NEW_IDENTITY_NAME

  1. Copy the database file that you copied to the desktop earlier to the NEW_IDENTITY_NAME folder that you just created

Microsoft Office Database Software

This should ideally fix the problem. However, if it still persists, read on to discover a sure-shot solution.


Microsoft Office For Mac

Entourage database is generally quite robust and doesn’t get damaged easily. However, if it does, you can easily repair it using the above-mentioned procedures.