Microsoft Office User Data Folder Mac

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The first time that you use Office, a folder named Microsoft User Data is created in the Documents folder provided by the Mac OS. The Microsoft User Data folder contains an Office 2011 Identities folder that stores the Office database for each identity in its own folder.

To move your Microsoft User Data folder out of the Documents folder follow these instructions:
1) Quit all open Microsoft Applications
2) Open a new window and navigate to /Users/<<UserName>>/Documents
3) Open another new window and in this window navigate to /Users/<<UserName>>/Library/Preferences
4) Drag the Microsoft User Data folder from your documents folder into the Preferences folder
You can now reopen all your Microsoft applications and they will automatically detect the Microsoft User Data folder has been moved into Preferences.
Having the Microsoft User Data folder in the Preferences folder makes it less likely to be accidentally deleted when a user is clearing out their documents folder.
(A Microsoft User Data folder will still be created in Documents if you are Using Microsoft Messenger for Mac. From what I can tell this doesn't contain any useful information at all. Please advise if I am wrong about this.)
I would suggest moving the reason statement to the top so folks would hear up front why this may be desirable:
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Having the Microsoft User Data folder in the Preferences folder makes it less likely to be accidentally deleted when a user is clearing out their documents folder.
To move your Microsoft User Data folder out of the Documents folder follow these instructions:
1) Quit all open Microsoft Applications
2) Open a new window and navigate to /Users/<<UserName>>/Documents
3) Open another new window and in this window navigate to /Users/<<UserName>>/Library/Preferences
4) Drag the Microsoft User Data folder from your documents folder into the Preferences folder
You can now reopen all your Microsoft applications and they will automatically detect the Microsoft User Data folder has been moved into Preferences.
(A Microsoft User Data folder will still be created in Documents if you are Using Microsoft Messenger for Mac. From what I can tell this doesn't contain any useful information at all. Please advise if I am wrong about this.)
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Nubz N.

A Smart Folder, also known as a saved search or a search folder, is a virtual folder that dynamically displays a set of search results. For example, you could create a search to find all the items in the Manager category that are flagged for follow up but not yet completed. This search can be saved as a Smart Folder so that you can use these search criteria later without having to manually re-create the advanced search.

Android Data User

Newer versionsOffice 2011

Save a search

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Outlook window, click in the search box.

    The Search tab appears.

  2. Define the scope of the search by clicking a scope button on the Search tab, such as All Mail or All Items

  3. Use the buttons on the Search tab to define your search criteria.

  4. To make further refinements, click Advanced and add, remove, or revise specific search criteria.

  5. Click Save Search.

    The Smart Folder for your search appears highlighted in the navigation pane.

  6. Type a name for the Smart Folder.


  • To edit the criteria used for a Smart Folder, CONTROL+click or right-click the Smart Folder, and then click Edit. When you're done changing the criteria or scope of the search, on the Search tab, click Save Search.

  • To delete a Smart Folder, CONTROL+click or right-click the Smart Folder, and then click Delete. Deleting a Smart Folder does not delete any of the items in the Smart Folder.

Microsoft office user data folder mac outlook

See also

Save a search

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Outlook window, click in the search box .

    The Search tab appears.

  2. Define the scope of the search by clicking a scope button on the Search tab, such as All Mail or All Items.

  3. On the Search tab, click Advanced, and then define your search criteria.

  4. On the Search tab, click Save.

    The Smart Folder appears in the navigation pane.

  5. Type a name for the Smart Folder.


    • To edit the criteria used for a Smart Folder, hold down CONTROL , click the Smart Folder, and then click Edit. When you are done changing the criteria or scope of the search, on the Search tab, click Save.

    • To delete a Smart Folder, hold down CONTROL , click the Smart Folder, and then click Delete. Deleting a Smart Folder does not delete any of the items in the Smart Folder.

User Data Mapping

See also